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Spring Photography Props and Photo Shoot Ideas

Updated on April 3, 2018
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Rose is a full-time freelance writer who frequently writes about education, special education, DIY projects, food, Milwaukee, and more.

Props and Photo Shoot Ideas for the Spring
Newborn Babies
Toddlers and Children
Engagement and Couple Sessions
Maternity or Pregnancy Shoots

This spring consider using new props, accessories, and backdrops for your photography sessions. With ideas from newborn shoots to engagement sessions to spring weddings, there is something here for everyone. Don't be afraid to mix and match different photography ideas. The possibilities are endless.


Newborn Babies

  • Lamb hat or costume. Spring is a perfect opportunity to capture the "in like a lamb, out like a lamb" sentiment with a little lamb cap or costume.
  • Chick or rabbit hat or costume. Chicks and rabbits are also perfect themes for spring.
  • Baby in a basket. A baby in a basket is a classic photograph any time of year, but it seems especially fitting in a season associated with birth and new life. Some people opt to fill a basket with grass in a similar fashion to an Easter basket.
  • Baby in the grass. Take advantage of the newly green grass and get outside for a portion of your shoot.
  • Cocoon wrap.
  • Flower headband or accessory. If you can't find a headband or other accessory (i.e. outfit with flowers, shoes with flower embellishments) that suits your personal tastes and preferences, consider making your own.

Newborn Photography Posing - behind the scene standing pose


Toddlers and Children

  • Rain gear. Dress your little ones up as though they're ready to go splash in the puddles. Consider rain boots, hats, and coats. Don't forget to use umbrella props as well.
  • Flower headband or accessory. This works just as well for toddlers and children as it does for babies.
  • Among the trees. If you want to switch up the spring routine and use green environments besides grassy fields, consider spots with rich groves of trees. Adventurous subjects may be game for climbing the trees.
  • Sundresses. Don't discount classic clothing choices for spring photography outfits.

Tip: Spring is a great time of year to get your dogs involved in the photographs, too. Take them along for your outdoor shoots and include them in a few set ups.



  • At a lake or pond. Take advantage of the warm weather and get a few shots beside a lake or pond. Play up the reflections.
  • Outdoor settings with visual interest. Choose fields with blooming flowers and long grasses. Look for natural elements that you can incorporate into your shots such as large rocks.
  • Black and white. It can be tempting to shoot entirely in color when everyone is so starved for bright shades again. Don't discount the option of getting a black and white selection as well. This classic choice is always nice for portraits.
  • Coordinating outfits. Stay away from outfits that are overly matching but look for pieces that subtly compliment each other and that are fitting for the season.
  • Favorite recreational locations. Take advantage of opportunities for candid or formal photos in places that you frequent as a family, such as hiking or canoeing.


Engagement and Couple Sessions

  • Umbrellas. It's best not to go overboard with the rain gear for couples, but umbrellas paired with one other rain accessory, such as boots, can make for a whimsical spring composition.
  • Leaning against a tree. There are numerous poses and framing options for trees.
  • On a picnic. You can make this set up as simple or as elaborate as you like.
  • At the railroad tracks. Maximize the opportunity to capture leading lines while still highlighting your subjects.


Maternity or Pregnancy Photos

  • "It's a girl" or "it's a boy" sign and props. Some people also choose to incorporate items in the fitting colors, such as blue balloons. Consider seasonal options such as pink flowers.
  • The ultrasound. No matter what setting or settings you have chosen for your spring maternity photograph session, this is a classic addition.
  • The big brother(s) or sister(s). If applicable, don't forget to include additional family members in some of the photos.
  • White clothing. White and light colors seem to be the most popular choices for clothing for spring pregnancy photos.
  • Playground. This is a fitting location choice with future offspring on the way and is great for the warmer weather.

Tips for baby belly photography


Spring Weddings

  • Framing with natural elements. When you are taking photographs outside, look for natural frames, such as trees for the couple and the wedding party.
  • Fountains, bridges, and other man-made structures. Any time you are shooting on location for a wedding, take the time scout out ideal photography spots, particularly spots that are fitting for the time of year.
  • Bench in the park. Capture some intimate moments with the newly weds among the blooming flowers.
  • In the city. Is the couple getting married in their hometown big city? Take advantage of the warm weather to get some shots around the area in their favorite locations.

Relaxing Spring and Autumn Photography w/ sunrise sunset


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