Best Teaching Materials to Purchase for Your Elementary School Classroom
If you have read any of my other education articles, you most likely already know that I'm a huge advocate of making teaching materials myself. As a special education teacher, I had a limited budget, both at school and on a personal level, so this strategy worked well for me. I devoted and will continue to devote a number of hubs to these materials that I created myself. I also wanted to detail some of the best materials that I have bought during my 4 years of teaching special education or that I inherited in my classroom when I took my special education position. You may be able to get funding from your school to purchase some of the more expensive items.
Silent and Group Reading Books
Classroom books for silent reading/read to self and class read alouds are priceless. Look for deals on books at Scholastic, garage sales, and library weed outs. You can also find lots of used bulk sets on eBay. Books make wonderful presents, too. Don't be afraid to include a few titles on your next Christmas or birthday list.
Read Me a Story, The Reading Lady....Tips on reading stories for the young
Books on Tape or CD
I purchased most of my book on CD sets from Scholastic. I also got a number of sets as gifts. There are lots of complete children's book sets with CDs on Amazon as well. Generally it's cheaper to buy the sets than to collect them individually. Typically my students listen to the CDs so much that they wore them out, but you may find used sets as well.
Did you know that you can also find free children's stories to listen to online?
- Listen to Children's Story Books Online (for free!): A Link List
This article is a link list for children's story books online. The vast majority of these sites or free or have free sections.
Free Audio Book for Children: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Chapter 1
Interactive Reading Book Series
I had 4 books from this set and was been pleased with all of them. I originally ordered them from PCI. Their products are now available through Pro Ed. I've provided a link on the right. Typically I make books like this myself because it's difficult to find them. These are well made and worth the money if they address the skill sets that you need to work on with your students. It's cheaper to buy the sets than the individual books.
Bingo Chips
Bingo is a great material for reviewing numerous concepts. You can use the same set of bingo chips with limitless bingo games that you create for your students.
Board Games
Board games that work on matching, numbers, counting, reading, and/or colors are great tools for the classroom. You can use board games for breaks, centers, and indoor recess. Some of my favorite classroom games include Parcheesi, Trouble, Sorry!, Hi-Ho Cherry-O, Connect Four, Boggle, Memory, and Chutes and Ladders. Some of my students were also big fans of the Name It game.
2012 Christmas Shopping Guide - Children's Board Games
- Teacher Created Resources | Educational Materials and Teacher Supplies
Teacher Created Resources is a leading publisher of supplementary teaching materials, free lesson plans, teacher supplies, and more for preschool, elementary, and middle school teachers and students.
Teaching Created Resources
I picked up a few Teacher Created books at random from a teacher supply store the summer before I started my special education position. I had no idea then how valuable they would be. I have over a dozen of them now. They provide wonderful supplemental materials for a wide variety of grades and academic subjects. This was wonderful for many of my students who needed lots of repetition with the same skill sets and thus needed more than the general education curriculum provides. Their web site offers other products as well as free lesson plans and printable pages. Many of their books are available through Amazon here with free shipping eligibility.
The Mailbox Magazine
Many school districts subscribe to various grade levels of The Mailbox magazine. Most schools store their back issues in the library or book room. Check if your school has it before shelling out the money for your own subscription. As a special education teacher, one advantage of being in a district with multiple subscriptions is that I can access materials for a range of grade levels. It's a wonderful resource with lesson plans and printable worksheets that cover a wide variety of subjects. They also have a lot of writing prompts and craft projects that are related to seasons or holidays. Check out additional resources on their web site.
Math Manipulatives
I was very fortunate to inherit a number of manipulatives when I got my special education classroom including Unifex snap cubes, pattern blocks, and plastic clocks. If your classroom doesn't already have these sort of materials and your district is not willing to purchase them for you, buy what you need when you need it. You don't need to buy everything all at once. They will be useful for a wide variety of math lessons for a wide variety of ages. I also got a set of overhead manipulatives from an ETA/Cuisenaire kit that I purchased for an undergraduate course. If you teach general education and/or have a large number of special education students for your math lessons, these are a wonderful tool.
Over 8,000 manipulative-based educational & supplemental materials for PreKindergarten and grades K-12 that enrich teaching and engage students in math, literacy, and science.
Puzzles and Additional Fine Motor Skills Materials
I wrote a fine motor skills article, so I won't go into too much detail about this topic here. I purchased the majority of my fine motor materials myself. Prioritize and decide what would be the most useful in your classroom right now. Continue to add to your collection of materials as you can.
- Boardmaker v.6 - Boardmaker | Mayer-Johnson
Premier software among educators for creating symbol-based communication and educational materials. - Boardmaker Share
Boardmaker is a wonderful software program that your school should purchase for you. If you can only have one software program (which is how many I had when I taught special education), it's the one to have. If you've read any of my article about materials that I created for my classroom, you know how many different functions Boardmaker can have for stand alone materials, accommodations, and modifications. In addition to being a valuable tool for special education students, it's beneficial for any and all students who are low or non-readers.
- Welcome to TouchMath, Multisensory Teaching, Learning Math Tools Make Math Fun!
Welcome to TouchMath, a leading multisensory teaching & learning math program for preschoolers, elementary, middle and high school students, learners in Special Ed and students in the autistic spectrum. - About the Touch Math Teaching Method
- Touch Math Games |
Touch Math
I first learned about the Touch Math program 4 years ago. I have used their computation materials as well as some of their clocks and money kits. I inherited a couple computation kits with my classroom. I was able to check out the other kits from my local AEA. I also used the Touch Point numbers in some of my adapted materials for additional practice. You can see an example of this here.
- Reading A-Z: The online leveled reading program with downloadable books to print and assemble
A complete reading program with affordable books, lesson plans, worksheets and assessments to teach leveled reading, phonics, phonemic awareness, alphabet, vocabulary, and comprehension to K-5.
Reading A-Z Series
I had printed versions of Levels AA-E as well as the alphabet books in my classroom. I don't know who printed these for my room, but I didn't have my own subscription. There are lots of other materials for members on the web site. The Title Reading room in my building had a number of the readers, too. If you don't have any or your own subscription, I would check with Title Reading before talking to administration. These readers are great for beginning readers who aren't ready for general education materials or who need supplemental materials for further reinforcement. I made concentration/matching games for a number of the Reading A-Z readers with vocabulary from them, which a number of my students have enjoyed. You can also create vocabulary bingo games.
More teaching material resources from the author.
- Money Saving Tips and Ideas for Teachers: Ways to Save on Classroom Materials and Supplies
Are you looking for ways to save money in your classroom? This article outlines twenty different ways for teachers to save on classroom materials supplies. There are lots of specific examples and resources. - Teaching Sight Words to Kids: Strategies, Games, Activities, Worksheets, and Printables
Are you looking for resources for teaching sight words? There are numerous strategies, activities, worksheets, and games that will keep the process engaging for students. - Paint Chip Crafts for the Classroom: Ideas for Teachers and Kids
Are you looking for some new classroom material ideas? Consider paint sample crafts that are perfect for both teachers and children.
© 2011 Rose Clearfield